Monday, August 12, 2013

Plum Blueberry Vanilla Jam

Plums and Blueberries, an awesome combo!

Plum Blueberry Vanilla Jam

This is a heavenly jam, and, possibly my favorite. It is made extra fabulous by the addition of Vanilla sugar.  Make this sugar by adding a whole or already scraped vanilla bean pod to sugar, I use quart jars. Let sit for several months for best vanilla flavor. Refill when empty (use same pod) and start again.

6 cups Plums, washed, pitted, chopped
4 cups Blueberries, cleaned
2 cups Vanilla sugar
1 cup Brown sugar
1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
Juice of 1 lemon
1 Tablespoon of Butter (if desired)

Add all ingredients to heavy bottomed pot and stir to combine. Bring to a boil over medium heat, removing any foam. Cook 15 minutes, remove from heat, allow to cool. Reheat and cook another 15 minutes. Repeat until you reach desired thickness. If you want it smoother, hit it with a stick blender. Ladle into hot jars with 1/2 headspace, and process 10 minutes. Makes 5 pints

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